Fake Origin Energy electricity bills have been making the rounds today and as usual they are pretty convincing and contains a direct link to malware.
Thousands of fake emails have reportedly landed in people’s inboxes today (May 10th 2017) and the emails look like a 100% replica of an original Origin Energy electricity bill. The convincing email uses the Origin Energy branding and fonts, with the subject line: “Your Origin electricity bill” and a due date of May 16th. It contains a link to view your bill – just like an original Origin Energy email, however upon clicking on the link the user will receive a nasty surprise.
We have learnt that when clicking on the link, a malicious keylogger will be downloaded and installed on the victim’s system. The scam email originates from a fake domain – originenergysolar.net – registered in China just days ago. It was sent from servers located in France. Those behind it have gone to considerable lengths to trick victims.

Origin Energy fake electricity bill via MailGuard
The amount due varies from email to email in order to get past anti-virus software, and in order for it to look legitimate as possible the emails render perfectly on all devices – PC’s, laptops, tablets and mobiles. The email also contains a legitimate looking privacy link stating:
“And finally, if you have any privacy concerns, check out originenergy.com.au/privacy” – The link directs to the original Origin Energy website.
So what does this keylogger do to a victim’s system? It can sit quietly, undetected by anti-virus software but working actively in the background to watch and record your every key stroke – this translates into recording what you type in emails, what passwords you enter and any other information that you type in on your computer.
It seems these fake emails are coming at us left, right and centre. Unfortunately detecting them isn’t easy as they look 100% like the real thing. Therefore you should protect yourself and your organisation by putting in place the best email security software to keep you protected at all times – you’d be surprised how many emails get filtered out on a daily basis.
IntelliTeK are always up to date with the latest threats to emails and IT security which is why we only partner with the best in the industry. If your company isn’t fully equipped to fend off cyber criminals, then get in touch with us so we can discuss your options. Call us on 1300 768 779, email us at info@intellitek.com.au, fill out the web form, or have a Live Chat with us below.