A Good IT Solution: Virtualization and its Role in Business
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A Good IT Solution: Virtualization and its Role in Business - IntelliTeK Managed IT Services Sydney

Virtualization is progressively becoming one of the most integral business IT solutions for companies everywhere.  It is quickly taking over half of all server workloads, streamlining software solutions, freeing up valuable resources and significantly reducing overhead expenditures.  Increasingly, IT solutions providers are offering virtualization management as part of their services and businesses have started paying more attention to the benefits of making the switch.

IT Solutions experts define virtualization as the act of minimalizing a company’s physical infrastructure by creating virtual machines that act like a tangible device which can run on a separate operating system.  Furthermore, virtualization has come a long way since its inception.  These days virtualization has evolved into different types which gives IT solutions providers the ability to customize their services according to what a company requires.

The three most common virtualization services are server, desktop and application.  Server virtualization has been around for quite a long time now nonetheless, most businesses still consider it new technology which makes them hesitant to make the change.  However, switching to server virtualization offers businesses flexibility, reduced costs, faster, more secure data storage and recovery, and a whole plethora of advantages.   This is also true for desktop and application virtualization.  IT solutions experts have all lauded the benefits of virtualization as the best logical step towards advanced business solutions.

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